Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Just now, I was reading about my previous post and went all greenish, "ooshh, so emo sia!" I just can't believe it. In my mind, I figured with raised eyebrowns, "did I just pen that yesterday?"

I guess I'm not as emotional as I had appeared to be. In fact if you ask, I'm perpetually bumming around, making fun of people and laughing to crude jokes all the time - gasp! - not in that malicious, sadistic, caustic and blasphemous sense but of course. But laughter is one living part of me. And to think of it, it reminds me of local actor Gurmit Singh. The Straits Times Live had an interview with him some 2 months back and in the report, it was written that Gurmit who is portrayed as a funny man always seen goofing around on cameras, has a quiet and softer side of him. Have you watched how he almost teared yesterday at the PCK farewell treat on television?

Okay, what am I saying? I just need my dinner! HAH!


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