Monday, February 19, 2007


Looks like my router is not gonna be back till about a week later due to CNY ::(

And I'm not proud of say that I'm enjoying skiming off unsecure networks by the pool cus it makes me feel like a thief. But desperate situation calls for desperate measures?

Ha! Nevertheless, it is everyone's responsibilty to fend off potential intruders by securing his network. Curently, there are three modes of protection namely - WEP, WPA and MAC Address Filtering which I think is the safest. Do a search on CRACK WEP on google and and be very surprised to see step by step tutorials that will offer to teach you to hack.

Look people, you don't blame the ants from creeping into your uncovered cookie jar, do you?

It seems that men of the 21st century is technologically dependent!

PS: And Von, I need my cds back! I'm borrreeddd..


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