Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I don't know what got into me that this afternoon, I actually flippantly accepted an invitation to an overseas exercise which EVERYONE ELSE is dodging from. Perhaps you might be familiar with Exercise Wallaby if you have a loved one who has served National Service.

At the back of my mind then, I knew I just wanted something different. And besides, I reasoned that it will be an eye opening experience for a slacker like myself in Rockhampton, Queensland Australia. Everyone tells me that a hugh amount of SAI KANG is waiting for me there. But if there is anything that should kill me, it's none other than the intense heat waves that could inflict an instant vasectomy. Correction, a temporary errectile dysfunction in the worst case scenerio. And gee, I don't require either. Do you?

Anyway, I chanced upon this online photo album revealing troops training in the Wallaby Exercise whilst googling. Honestly, it doesn't look very exciting to me but oh well. Hah.

Sidetracking a little, I'm now officially part of ATTRIBUTES as a trainee. If you ask me, I'm actually learning to be geeky.

Because geeky is the new beautiful!


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