Monday, September 04, 2006


Okay, my title says it all. I'm getting a little frenzy right now. But it's all good. Hah. Alright before I start blabbering (like I always do), allow me to entertain you with some of the spastic shots I've taken today whilst meddling with Photo Booth. Hah. Exclusive pictures eh!

the normal shot

after a trip from mars

after a shriek-inspired face transplant

after a vicious punch in the eye

aesthetic eh? hah

Alright, some of the stuff that awaits me. Or rather stuff I REALLY need to get and do soon.

1) Mac Office - also known as Microsoft Office for Mac
2) Photoshop Mac - this is a die die must get!
3) Final Cut Express - I'm gonna buy this from some pirated store
4) USB Sound Adapter - My mic requires this to operate. Sucks man
5) Read up on Garage Band

Optional Stuff

6) Install Windows XP to duo boot
7) Install Parallel to access Parallel OS

Or perhaps, I should just make my Mac a dedicated Mac machine and do away with XP. And like what Mac-fanatic Claudia said, the Mac must not be defiled, profaned and desecrated. Hah. Oh comon, it's just a machine - something created by the hands of mere intelligent and ermm... artsy people? Okay, I think I'll go head a cult of Mac-ist tomorrow. Pure ramblings man. What have the white machine done to my head?!

We all live to agree to disagree. Read it again, it's not a grammatical error. Ha. Saturday @ 7 was good though I felt largely uneasy amidst the entire session due to the sudden change. It is clear to me that we're REALLY adopting some mega-church models. Here are some examples.

1) The commencing of Offerings/Tithes collection at the start of the service
2) Singing of more 'commercial-regarded' praise and worship songs
3) The giving of testimonies
4) The 'Raising Up Hands' method to ask for congregational response (though I thought that it would be more effective if the congregation would close their eyes for a second while this happens)

Whatever it is, it's all good. Hah. And Boon Hoi's testimony really encouraged me alot. It's miraculous isn't it? But one thing that irks me is the stone-ness of the congregation. And this can be improved surely. Get some life people!

Example 1

Pastor X: " Today a brother is saved ! :
Congregation : *Stones in mid-air & stillness fills the sanctuary"

Example 2

Pastor Y: " Come let's give an AMEN! "
Congregation: *softly* amen ..
Pastor Y: " You can do better, let's shout a louder AMEN! "
Congregation: *same volume + 0.5 decibel* amen

Hah. I also applaud the Worship team for making the switch! And here's one suggestion or proposal or whatever you call it for that matter. We should form a Praise & Worship choir (hopefully Youths) to support the Praise & Worship leader! Then Pastor Chee Kin can take a breather man!

But then again, no one listens to Kevin really. Hah. And so much for my 5 cents worthed. Some say 20 cents.


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