Sunday, April 30, 2006


I haven't been writing any songs recently. Gee. Both my acoustic and electric guitar are at someone else's hands. And I'm considering whether to buy a Takamine G Series. Phew.. For the first time, every minute I have on mainland seems exceptionally precious to me. There is so much to do within so little time. Oh time.

As much as I detest the present rigid and regimental lifestyle, my experience so far in the army has revealed and taught me alot. I'm glad that I'm now beginning to be grateful for every little thing, which I once had taken for granted. I guess many times in life, we learn to know what sweetness is after tasting bitter. It's such a humane thing again, isn't it?

Yesterday whilst strolling along Orchard Road, I was warmly greeted by the dubbed Youngest Busker In Singapore. Sitting behind a set of Tama drumset, there was 6 year old Ethan Ong who was accompanied by his father. Having picked up drumming at age 2, Ethan is a prodigy. He could literally play far better than any of the drummers I have seen in my past gigs and auditions! This little talent is a Singapore wonder! I even joked to Dee beside, I'll get him to play in my band!

Photo Credit:

Check his website at

Rushed off to Church of St. Anthony after service to witness my cousin's wedding ceremony. It was such a beautiful sight watching the newly wed couple walking down the aisle with tears of joy in their eyes.

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Suddenly, a crappie thought came across my head. When shall I get married? Heh.

But before anything, ahem .. who wants to marry me? (:


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