Monday, March 06, 2006


In about 5 more days time, I'll be leaving mainland to Puala Tekong for my national service. And I might be stranded there for quite sometime. To start with, I might not even be able to make it for the 2nd Idol audition which is held directly 1 week after my enlistment. But I guess it's okay.

I'm certain that there will be further opportunities. Think positive!

The first round was a hilarious and brilliant experience camping overnight with Tim and Josh.

Lastly, thanks to all who have supported me throughout these recent weeks. Whether you're just someone who coincidentally chanced upon my blog or a friend I know personally, I just wanna say that I appreciate all your support and encouragement.

Cheers and God bless!


At 5:20 PM, Blogger eu said...

I'm sorry to hear you might have to miss your 2nd audition. Its a real pity if you do - you have so much talent in you!

Take care of yourself while in the army, compose some stupid army songs, and maybe the officers would be impressed enough to let u go for your 2nd audition! =)

At 12:57 AM, Blogger kevin said...

Thanks alot dude. Really appreciate your support (:


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