Sunday, June 17, 2007


I was quite troubled by this verse Matthew 7:21 that says, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

Fact of the matter is this. Many people proclaim themselves to be christians and believe that they will enter heaven when they pass on from this world. Thus, this verse provokes me because it says that only those who do His will, will make it to paradise.

So what happens to the people who believe in Jesus but not do His will?

There is a fine line drawn from a convert, to a believer and to a disciple. Essentially, there are many people who accept God as their Savior. They attend church every Sunday, don a crucifix on their necks and participate in weekly rituals but ultimately fail to put Christ as Lord over their lives. They lead double lives - holy on the weekends and otherwise on the weekdays. They never know anything about the great commandment or obey the great commission. Life is easy sailing and doing whatever that pleases their humane flesh.

No wonder the bible says that a Christian life is pretty much like a servant life. Who on earth, enjoys the idea of being a servant anyway?

Perhaps my grandfather belonged to that category. Though he had received Christ into his life some 3 years back, he had never shared the gospel or read the bible. He had never really prayed or attempted to perform the holiest things. Nevertheless, he had the joy of attending cantonese church for a couple of months before his meek body robbed him of that opportunity and convenience.

This afternoon, I was encouraged by what the pastor preached during the last service before the cremation. He shared about the 2 thieves whom were alongside cruficied with Christ on the hill. One of the thieves jeered at Jesus, "If you are King of the Jews, save yourself." But the other thief rebuked him and said, "We have been condemned justly .. but this man has done nothing criminal." Then he turn to say to Jesus, "Remember me when you come into your kingdom." And Jesus replied, "I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise."

Had the second thief begged for forgiveness or made an offering to the temple? Spilt a sea or killed a giant?

No, all he did was simply acknowledge the sacrificial lamb of God. And that was enough.

And with that thought, I was comforted. For I know I will be seeing my grandpa in Heaven someday.


At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea for many ppl, being a christian more like attending a kinda social activity.

i came across a gal who said that iz all bcos she feels like to have a "God" to protect her.

--- jac


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