Saturday, September 23, 2006


Updates. Another emoish entry. I'm experiencing a spate of PMS recently. Okay wait, boys don't have PMS, do they? My biology textbook talks nothing about that! The PMS justification (for boys) is just too cheap an excuse. Oh pardon me, but mines Personal Mental Stress! It's different as you can read! My mind is perpetually churning like an ice blender meshing gallons of ice-powder mixture and turning it into a ton of Caramel Frappuccino. Oh my absolute favourite!

As a matter of fact, my life is recently ubberly boring (due to PMS which has impaired my mind in every area) and so is my blog which you're reading right now. So why bother coming back to read especially when it neither edifies you (since you have so much to talk about behind my back) nor bonds both you and myself closer in any sense? This is wholesomely directed to a special group of people. Oh and I hope no one sense the bitter-sweet caustic elements in my beautifully crafted sentences.

Only you have the answer. I have no clue.

Saturday will pass like a snap. Service. Oh you mean the sermon accompanied with truck loads of digressing stories that bring us all the way to Rome and then back to Chinatown? Pardon me but I might be giving this forth coming one a miss. I terribly need a breather. Oh watch how I breathe the fresher air outside!

Kelly was HOT today, as she had claimed. Did she? I can't remember. Haha. She accompanied me around J8 with her really sleazy top, watched me ate Filet O Fish at Macs, stole took two strand of my fries (to ease her boredom; how interesting), swinged herself on the creaking see-saw while I stood and watched and we finally sat on some suspended block and chatting under the romantic moonlight. Oh, I'm so dreaming. Hahah.


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